Medical Devices

Selenis polymers offer excellent chemical resistance, impact strength and durability so that the medical value chain can exceed the high expectations from customers.  Our supporting services help value chain players to meet the increasing regulatory requirements, and our resins assure high performance in injection molding applications for medical devices.

Safe™ TT 100

Product Features

Excellent impact resistance
Very good chemical resistance
Slow crystallization rate
Easy processing and faster cycle times
Ability to weld with ultrasonic and laser technology
Superior clarity – before and after sterilization
Gamma, E-beam and EtO sterilization without discolouration1
Free of intentionally added BPA and styrene
1Based on tests on film manufactured from similar polyester resin from the same family of products at 25kGy

Safe™ FT 104

Product Features

Excellent impact resistance
Superior chemical resistance
Very slow crystallization rate allowing thicker walls
Easy processing and faster cycle times
Ability to weld with ultrasonic and laser technology
Superior clarity – before and after sterilization
Gamma, E-beam and EtO sterilization without discolouration1
Free of intentionally added BPA and styrene
1Based on tests on film manufactured from similar polyester resin from the same family of products at 25kGy

Selcare™ HC 300

Product Features

Superior impact resistance
Exceptional chemical resistance
No crystallization rate allowing thicker walls
Easy processing and faster cycle times
Ability to weld with ultrasonic and laser technology
Exceptional clarity – before and after sterilization
High depth of coloration achieved
Gamma, E-beam and EtO sterilization without discolouration1
Free of intentionally added BPA and styrene
1Based on tests on film manufactured from similar polyester resin from the same family of products at 25kGy

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